Tag Archives: receive letter

We all Like to Receive a Letter

 imagesAlthough door drop campaigns are often described as leaflet distribution campaigns, in reality more items than just leaflets are delivered by door to door distribution companies. These other items include product samples, company brochures and, in some cases letters, we all like to receive a letter don’t we?

Although leaflets are the bulk of the items delivered through the letterboxes by distribution companies and have proved to be highly effective in attracting customers, there are always some people who will prove resistant to leaflets, no matter how well designed and printed they are, resistance may be stronger if the leaflet is advertising an expensive product or service. There are people who often need more convincing when they are asked to consider buying a high priced item.

No matter how persuasive a colour leaflet is, they need more substantial information than a leaflet can convey. They need a well written and persuasive sales letter that arrives through their letterbox in a sealed envelope.

Now letters arriving through the letterbox from companies selling their goods and services is not a new thing. Direct mail companies have been sending letters to prospective customers for years. These letters are addressed to named individuals and have personalised salutations.

But the direct mail industry spends thousands of pounds building or buying mailing lists of people who have been identified as possible clients, and they are mailed to households nationwide. Now while buying mailing lists and sending personalised letters may not be a viable proposition for companies operating in a local area and on a limited marketing budget; sending a well written sales letter to all of their possible customers can be a viable and profitable proposition.

A company that operates in a relatively local area selling high-priced items, such as patios, driveways, or even swimming pools, could benefit by using a well written sales letter delivered through people’s letter boxes in a sealed envelope simply addressed to “The occupier”.

No matter how resistant people think they are to advertising, and leaflets, in particular, no one will discard a sealed envelope before opening it. And if the first thing they see is an attractive professional letter heading, with an eye-catching headline followed by an unbeatable offer and a list of benefits the product has to offer, nothing will stop the prospect from reading until they reach an irresistible call to action.

The main purpose of the or call to action is to collect the names of people who wish to become customers. But it also has a secondary but equally important function, and that is the collection and filing the names of people who did not buy after showing some initial interest. These people could be contacted again once a reasonable time has passed, and politely asked why they did not take up the initial offer. Once they have revealed their objections, it could be possible for the seller to overcome these objections and make a sale.

The direct mail industry uses this method all of the time to scoop up those extra sales that may have gone forever. There is no reason why it will not work for those businesses that use door to door distribution companies. A sales letter enclosed in an envelope and addressed “Important Message to The occupier” could break down the resistance of those people who may ignore sales leaflets. So why not copy what the direct mail companies do and pick up some extra sales.

Remember no one can resist opening a sealed envelope.

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